Tuesday, August 6, 2013

[HQ Photos] Photos by Murderer@ – ‘ KHJ Round 3 First Come Back Week (July 28th - August 4th 2013)

[HQ Photos] Photos by Murderer@ – ‘ KHJ Round 3 First Come Back Week
 2013-08-03 (Sat) : BFF After shooting  

Far far away…

 2013-08-02 (Fri) : KBS Music Bank

「Your Story」 Pre-recording:

Monday, August 5, 2013

[PHOTOS + Interview] Kim Hyun Joong's interview by Naver (Scientist Dream Kid)

Credit : Naver, Cheezeemelt501, & glassy14

"To tell the truth, my dream as a child was to be a scientist not a singer" - Kim Hyun Joong

KHJ's interview was released yesterday by Naver Star Column. Translation by @Cheezeemelt501 (twitter)

"To tell the truth, my dream as a child was to be a scientist not a singer" - Kim Hyun Joong
"At house, I will re-assembled our electronic devices and played with it." - Kim Hyun Joong
"Not long ago, I watched one episode in Discovery Channel about Mammoth Cloning. I really enjoyed watching it" - Kim Hyun Joong
"During highschool, I really like music a lot that sometimes I did not attend classes" - Kim Hyun Joong
"I really like eating only ramyeon when I was making music (during highschool)" - Kim Hyun Joong
"It was really hard back then when we were doing our band activity. But when I'm thinking about it now, I think It was fun" - KHJ
"I did a lot of part-time jobs when I was young. Memorable one was from a family restaurant" - Kim Hyun Joong
"The restaurant manager gave me the nickname "A" bec. he believes that I will surpass the popular singer 'Rain' (Bi)" - Kim Hyun Joong
"I met the restaurant manager after 11yrs and b4 he used to call me "Hyun Joong-ah" but he now he called me "Hyunjoong-ssi" - KHJ
"Friendship is very important to me. JYJ's JaeJoong is one of my friends. We spent Christmas together 2-3 years in a row" - Kim Hyun Joong
"Jae and I lived together before. I don't think he is my rival though" - Kim Hyun Joong
"I sometimes get in touch with SS501 members. I recently kept in touch with Kyu Jong." - Kim Hyun Joong
"During my part-time job, I learned alot of things including how to treat people correctly" - Kim Hyun Joong
"Back then, I always thought of the customer's satisfaction. They should always be happy." - Kim Hyun Joong
"After 11 years, I met again the restaurant owner where I worked for before. I recognized him when we had eye contact -c-"
-c- then I remembered his name. In the past, he used to call me "Hyun Joong-ah" but now its "Hyun Joong-ssi" I felt strange.

by Glassy14

- some times people I know ask me "if your friend and your wife are in danger, who will you save 1st?" definitely my wife!!"-KHJ.
- "many people are curios if I like music more or acting, I'm a little more toward music, like 1%." - Kim Hyun Joong
- "when you do music and acting together, that's a win!"- Kim Hyun Joong

[News] Kim Hyun Joong impresses with hat dance on ‘Barefooted Friends’

Repost from hyunnies pexers

The recent episode of SBS TV variety ‘Barefooted Friends’ on August 4th broadcasted the first episode of its brand new ‘My Story My Song’ mission.
Dynamic Duo, Duble Sidekick, and Epik High were recruited as the panel of judges for this mission. Kim Hyun Joong announced his comeback and showed his flashy dance moves soon after. His ‘hat dance’ especially got in much praise from the judges. Besides his dancing, Kim Hyun Joong also earned praise for his fluent rapping ability, and was recognized by the judges for it.
Meanwhile, Yoon Si Yoon performed ‘Rain on a sleepless night’, before breaking out in dance to the tune of ‘Gangnam Style’. Yoon Si Yoon appeared really earnest while doing his dance, and his behaviour invoked much laughter from the judges and his fellow ‘Barefooted Friends’ cast members. Yoon Si Yoon apparently got lost when the music sounded, but soon got into groove and broke out into the trademark crotch and horse riding dance move, and showed his flashy dance moves.
By: Oh Hwan Hee
Source: http://ph.omg.yahoo.com/news/kim-hyun-joong-impresses-with-hat-dance-on-034500007.html

Friday, August 2, 2013

[VIDEO] Kim Hyun Joong choreography(dance) practice clips for 'Unbreakable' and 'Your Story'




[NEWS] Kim Hyun Joong tops Billboard World Albums Chart with 'Round 3'

Credit & Repost from Allkpop

Kim Hyun Joong has topped the Billboard World Albums Chart with his 3rd mini album 'Round 3'!

Kim Hyun Joong recruited the best of the best for his long awaited return. Renowned choreographer Lyle Beniga whipped up his dancing magic for "Unbreakable" and Keone Madrid choreographed title track, "Your Story". Jo Soo Hyun, the director behind the music videos for Psy, participated in the music video for "Your Story", while director Hong Won Ki participated in the music video for "Unbreakable". 

As mentioned previously, Dok2 featured in the R&B-style title track, "Your Story", while Jay Park added his attractive voice color to the track, "Unbreakable".

Congratulations to Kim Hyun Joong!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

[PHOTOS] 130730 Kim Hyun Joong after KBS recording

[Indo Translation] 50 Q& A with Kim Hyun Joong From Unlimited Photobook

#1. Satu kata yang kamu gunakan untuk menggambarkan penampilan mu tahun ini?
- Tak terkalahkan

#2. Angka keberuntungan anda?
- 6

#3. Tiga hal yang anda bawa dengan anda ke pulau sepi?
- Perlengakapan diving, air, soju

#4. Bagian yang paling sulit dari belajar bahasa Jepang?
- Bagian tentang perbedaan dalam pengucapan ‘tsu’ dan ‘su’

#5. Satu budaya Jepang yang menurut anda sulit untuk dimengerti?
- Warna untuk botol sampo dan botol conditioner adalah kebalikan dari apa yang ada di Korea. (Di korea, botol sampo adalah warna yang lebih gelap)

#6. Di Jepang, biasanya ditanya seperti ini 'Pak, apakah anda ingin sebotol bir pertama?' Menurut anda, apa yang anda minum dulu?
- Soju

#7. Satu hidangan Jepang yang anda tidak suka?
- None.

#8. Tempat favorit di Jepang?
- (sorry aku tidak tahu tempat itu.. itu disebut Tang Ji Ke De di Cina. tidak tahu harus menerjemahkan nya)

#9. Tempat favorit di Seoul?
- Rumah ku

#10. Satu hidangan korea yang paling anda percayai dalam pembuatan?
- Bimbimbap

#11. Ada banyak aturan untuk mengikuti di Korea ketika minum dengan sesepuh, apa hal yang paling penting untuk diingat?
- Sedikit bicara.

#12. Ketika Anda harus bertemu seorang teman, tapi teman terlambat. Berapa lama Anda akan menunggu?
- 1 jam

#13. Berapa lama waktu yang anda ambil untuk keluar dari rumah?
- 1 jam

#14. Di rumah, Anda bertelanjang kaki, memakai kaus kaki, atau sandal?
- bertelanjang kaki/tanpa alas kaki

#15. Hal pertama yang Anda lakukan ketika Anda tiba di rumah?
- mandi

# 16. Sebuah foto terbaru yang diambil dengan menggunakan telepon Anda
- Makanan anjing

# 17. Baru-baru ini, alat apa yang ingin anda beli?
- Gas alam bertenaga oven

# 18. Panggilan telepon atau pesan teks?
- Panggilan telepon

# 19. Apakah Anda memiliki koleksi?
- Gitar

# 20. Apa yang Anda lakukan ketika Anda merasa tertekan?
- Saya minum

# 21. Apa ingin anda mainkan ketika Anda masih muda?
- Sepak bola

# 22. Apakah Anda tipe yang akan menyelesaikan pekerjaan awal selama liburan musim panas?
- Aku melakukannya di hari-hari terakhir.

# 23. Bagian pekerjaan waktu yang Anda inginkan ketika Anda mahasiswa?
- asisten memasak

# 24. Jika Anda diberikan nasihat untuk 'masa depan Anda' atau 'masa lalu Anda, apa yang akan Anda katakan?
- Untuk 'masa lalu saya', hidup dengan lebih banyak energi!

# 25. Sampai sekarang, satu hal yang Anda merasa paling canggung?
- Ketika di sekolah dasar, ketemu sama perempuan cantik di pemandian umum.

# 26. Sampai sekarang, hal yang paling bahagia?
- Sering merasa bahwa saat yang paling bahagia adalah 'sekarang'.

# 27. Musim Favorit dan mengapa?
- Winter, tidak ada nyamuk, dan dapat berpakaian modis.

# 28. Apa aroma yang Anda sukai dan mengapa?
- Bedak bayi, memberikan bau yang sangat nyaman.

# 29. (Gaya rambut Anda) Panjang atau pendek, mana yang Anda inginkan?
- Panjang

# 30. Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika Anda melihat diri sendiri di cermin?
- Saya merasa puas sedikit.

# 31. Jika Anda menjadi hewan, anda ingin menjadi apa ?
- Koala

# 32. Jika memungkinkan, superpower apa yang ingin Anda miliki?
- Teleport

# 33. Jika Anda bisa menjadi transparan selama sehari, apa yang akan Anda lakukan?
- Menembak orang yang saya tidak suka menggunakan pistol air.

# 34. Jika hanya ada 3 hari sebelum akhir dunia, apa yang anda lakukan?
- Aku akan mati pertama sebelum 3 hari terakhir itu.

# 35. Satu hal yang ingin Anda lakukan sebelum Anda mati?
- Sebuah konser gratis dengan 100 ribu orang.

# 36. Satu hal yang harus Anda lakukan sebelum berada di atas panggung?
- Latihan peregangan.

# 37. Satu tempat tertentu dimana anda ingin bernyanyi?
- Pada perahu / kapal

# 38. Lagu apa yang akan nyanyikan untuk pacar Anda?
- Rain

# 39. Bagaimana jika pacar Anda suka artis lain?
- Aku akan putus dengannya.

# 40. Kapan cinta pertama anda?
- Sekolah menengah tahun 1.

# 41. Bagaimana jika tipe ideal Anda tiba-tiba muncul di depan Anda.
- Aku ingin berkencan dengannya.

# 42. Tempat Ideal kencan , di rumah atau di tempat umum?
- Di rumah.

# 43. Apakah anda lebih suka makan daging atau sayuran?
- Saya lebih suka daging.

# 44. Salah satu syarat bahwa anda tidak akan menyerah dalam menikah?
- Harus memiliki minimal 2 anak.

# 45. Jika anda punya pacar sekarang, apakah anda ingin ia menikah dengan anda sekarang? (Sekarang seperti dalam KHJ sekarang, tapi tidak dalam hal waktu)
- tidak

# 46. Kapan Anda berpikir gadis2 menakutkan?
- Tidak menakutkan, tetapi ketika mereka berpura-pura takut pada waktu yang tepat.

# 47. Mimpi yang Anda ingat baru-baru ini?
- Saya pikir saya adalah gadis kemudian menemukan saya seorang cowok.

# 48. Apa yang paling Anda inginkan sekarang?
- Dompet kosong.

# 49. Apa yang hal yang paling anda khawatirkan sekarang?
- Tidak dapat menikah.

# 50. Kapan Anda merasa paling bahagia?
- Ketika saya menyelesaikan pekerjaan sehari-hari dan pergi tidur.

re-post from : http://hyunniespexers.wordpress.com/
Chinese to English trans : http://www.babyvfan.wordpress.com/
pic credit : elley
Indo Trans : Henecia Indonesia

Saturday, July 27, 2013

[Eng Trans] Kim Hyun Joong's 28th Message

Credit: http://www.hyun-joong.com/bbs/view.asp?code=fromhj

English translation by @howlovelylala

Finally tomorrow my comeback happens.
It hasn't hit me yet. I don't feel any yet. As always it rains to greet my comeback.
Does it help... since Your Story is an emotional song??????
At least it helps the heat subside, so still feels good.
I didn't write 'thanks to' on this album. Actually I have many people to be thankful for,
If I would miss one of them, the person could be disappointed. ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ Just keep it as an insurance (*just in case). --
I am thinking I will try many things for 5 weeks promotion period.
'Your Story', 'Unbreakable' and other songs as well ^^
You must be surprised as soon as seeing my 'Gentle Man' performance... -- Truly, I like it myself. ã…‹ã…‹ too much self-praise?
(That's what I am feeling no matter how you agree with me) Or not at all... Besides don't you know I prepared 'Like Before' choreography???? It's just me who know that. ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
You must be curious..ã…‹ã…‹ Then join the concert even if no one knows when it would happen.
ã…‹ã„·ã…‹ã„· What (am I doing) Seems I am writing this message to tease you... anyway
This year is more than half over and only 5 months left.
How quickly flies?????????? Everyday just flies at superspeed. There are so many things I want to do while I have only one body during time flies. Still I will do what I want through my life, so don't worry.
This is what I feel, positive people seem to be happy. Let's say 'good job', 'it's okay' rather than blame others and envy other people's happiness.
Or you will suffer from heartache. ã…‹ã…‹ no matter what happens~~ well, that's what I felt ^^
'Your Story' is.... its MV is.... --;;; you must be shocked...
since it's too adult ....................................................................
You can leave me.......................................................ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹ã…‹
I will try to make up for that with 'Gentle Man' if you are upset with ('Your Story') MV--;;; huh...ã…‹ã…‹
Anyway I am going to write down 'thanks to'

I am very thankful to my fans who always stand by me.
I do not know when it would be, someday we would not be able to meet any longer but let's keep missing each other and not forget the memories. ^^
I keep piling up neatly all the pleasant memories in my heart in order to open and see whenever I miss you.
Let's live happily~~~ 'Your Story' is the song just for you ^^ fighting

If you have tissue... when you see 'Your Story' MV... bring it. You will need it. Bite your tongue to keep your tears back when you watch it.
Thank you as always,, wrapping up ROUND3 album work.... from 28 year old Kim Hyun Joong

[Highlight] Engtrans, Kim Hyun Joong at Guerilla Date 13.07.25

Credit glassy14
As posted in Triple S Kaltim

1. the first fan was Japanese, but her BF was Korean, they even got into fight cause of HJ^^

2. HJ: when Hobaes come to greet me, I run away! it's awkward!! lol^^

3. those fan boys where so funny^^ they said "Saranghea" all together ^___^ HJ must felt so shy!!

4. HJ about crayon pop: they're dance is exactly like mine, should I sue them?!!

5. then he said: I'm just joking, I really like this group^^ lol!

6. HJ: I haven't greet my hobaes much (cause he didn't have schedule for a long time in Korea)

7. host: how do you meet girl groups?! HJ: I see them from Youtube!! LOL^^

8. host: what's the girl group you most like?! HJ: crayon pop!

9. host to those fanboys: what do you like abot HJ?! fan: his face is this small (his fist) !!^^

10. host: do you love him? fanboys: we love you!! host: who loves him more??! fanboys: me, me, meee!!! lol^

11. host to the Japanese fan: you love your BF more? fan: yes of course! host: who is more handsome?! fan: Kim Hyun Joong!!

12. last fan girl, host: how do you feel seeing him like this? fan: ahhh!! ( just laugh ) why are you doing thia to me?! lol^^

13. host: what do you is his charm?! fan: his jawline! he has a manly jawline^^

14. HJ to the girl: do you have a boyfriend?! fan: yes I do! HJ: say something to him! fan: I love you!!

15. the last male fan, host: what do think about his face?! fan: enviable handsome face and short hair!!

16. HJ: Your Story MV is not out yet, the reason is for it's rating! host: is it bad?! HJ: it has Kiss Scenes with a girl!!! O____O

17. host: what kind of sobae (senior) are you?! HJ: like a ghost!!

[Highlight] Ina Trans, Kim Hyun Joong di Guerilla Date 13.07.25:

Credit glassy14
As posted in Triple S Kaltim

1. penggemar pertama dari Jepang, tapi pacarnya adalah orang Korea, mereka sering bertengkar karena Hyun Joong ^^

2. HJ: ketika Hobaes datang untuk menyambut saya, saya lari! itu aneh! lol ^ ^

3. fans laki-laki begitu lucu ^ ^ mereka berkata "Saranghea" semua bersama-sama ^ ___ ^ HJ merasa begitu malu!

4. HJ tentang crayon pop: raeian mereka persis seperti saya, haruskah saya menuntut mereka?!

5. kemudian dia berkata: Aku hanya bercanda, aku benar-benar menyukai grup ini ^ ^ lol!

6. HJ: Saya tidak banyak menyapa hobaes saya (karena ia tidak memiliki jadwal untuk waktu yang lama di Korea)

7. host: bagaimana Anda bertemu grup perempuan?! HJ: Saya melihat mereka dari Youtube! LOL ^ ^

8. host: siapa grup perempuan yang paling Anda suka? HJ: crayon pop!

9. host ke fanboys: apa yang Anda suka dari HJ?! fan:! wajahnya sekecil ini (kepalan tangan) ^ ^

10. host: apakah Anda mencintainya? fanboys: kami cinta padamu! host: yang mencintai dia??! fanboys: aku, aku, akuu! lol ^

11. host ke penggemar Jepang: Anda lebih mencintai pacar anda? fan: ya tentu saja! host: siapa yang lebih tampan?! fan: Kim Hyun Joong!

12. fabs terakhir, host: bagaimana perasaan Anda melihatnya seperti ini? fan: ahhh! (Hanya tertawa) mengapa kau melakukan ini padaku?! lol ^ ^

13. host: apa pesona HJ yg paling menarik?! fan: rahangnya! ia memiliki rahang jantan ^ ^

14. HJ ke fans: apakah Anda punya pacar?! fan: yes aku punya! HJ: katakan sesuatu padanya! fan: I love you!

15. host ke fanboy: bagaimana menurutmu tentang wajah HJ?! fan: wajah tampan yang membuat iri dan rambut pendek!

16. HJ: MV Your Story belum keluar, alasannya adalah untuk peringkat! host: apakah itu buruk?! HJ: Ada adegan ciuman dengan seorang gadis! O____O

17. host: sobae (Senior) seperti apa kamu?! HJ: seperti hantu!